On behalf of the One Million Degrees (OMD) Board of Directors, we are sharing the bittersweet news that our CEO, Aneesh Sohoni, is transitioning out of his role as CEO of One Million Degrees to take on the position of CEO at Teach For America.
Crains Chicago Business – A co-authored op-ed by Andrea Saenz, President and CEO of Chicago Community Trust, and OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni about why fostering economic mobility is a city-wide issue, and one that OMD impacts positively.
Working Nation – Deloitte Consulting Principal Roy Matthew and OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni address how and why community colleges are an untapped pipeline to help solve workforce issues.
The Higher Ed Geek Podcast – OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni discusses the comprehensive support model of One Million Degrees and emphasizes the importance of community colleges in today’s educational landscape.
University Business – An op-ed where OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni writes about how mentorship and coaching impacting his education, and why coaching is an integral part of the OMD model.
DIVERSE: Issues in Higher Education – OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni’s thoughts on the important role of community colleges in a post-Affirmative Action world.
Community College Daily – An op-ed authored by OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni and Dr. Chris Reber, president of Hudson County Community College in New Jersey.
DIVERSE: Issues in Higher Education – Coverage of OMD’s expansion into the City Colleges of Chicago’s Malcolm X campus
The Hechinger Report – OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni writes his thoughts on why college still matters.
Workshift – Higher Ed reporter Ed Fain talks to OMD CEO Aneesh Sohoni about the impact OMD’s expansion with City Colleges of Chicago has on students.
The Chicago Tribune – An op-ed written by OMD supporters about the impact the support model has on community college studetns.
The Hechinger Report – A piece that describes the city-wide impact of the OMD support model.